Wednesday, January 14, 2015


By Terry Payet

In addition to what I said in the interview due to limiting time, there's an increase in prostitution, drug and alcohol abuse. Despite an increase in cars on the road, there's no provision integrated into the system for clean air; I expected to see strict laws and regulations for emission control. Despite all the bragging about protecting the environment, there is no mandatory law for vehicles to be equipped with catalytic converters which should be tested every 2 years. There is no proper program in place for recycling and people are not discouraged for littering.

There is no control on imported goods. Most of the goods have Arabic labels and other writings in addition to English on them. We are not an Arabic nation and there should not be any Arabic labels on our goods. Since most people communicate in English and/or French, I believe that labels should be in these languages like before.

Terry Payet wants his rights!
The ratio of foreigners to locals working in Seychelles is astonishing for such a small country that depends on only 2 main industries (Tourism and Fisheries). This is helping a net outflow of foreign exchange which in turn helps depreciate our rupee. Foreigners are making more than twice what locals are making for the same jobs and they are encouraged to invest instead of our own for quick cash as well as kick backs for those involved in these deals.

People working in the government who have high salaries are also striking deals with the government and winning tenders when they should not. Example is the Gas stations at Beau Vallon and Grand Anse. There are also powerful drug dealers operating within the government and nothing is being done about it and no wonder why they have lost the war on drugs.

Businesses are being taxed unfairly, while many people are making huge amount of money without being taxed. I can go on for days about the dire situation of the country. We have 2 main telecom companies that are not providing satisfactory service to their customers. A third of the time, sometimes, there's no network, and there are no policies set forth by any overlooking body, to address these issues.
Terry Payet on the left during a marathon with Albert Marie

 The judiciary continues to be a farce and controlled by State House. It has become stressful to live in our country, unless you are one of the fat cats in the government or have a private business doing extremely well. It's simply a total mess and getting worse.

The government will continue with its IMF programs by passing bills that will increase inflation and tax businesses even higher, instead of implementing sound reforms to salvage the economy, such as reductions in government spending which adds no benefit to the economy. Our health system is in total disarray providing mediocre service to the public and there is tremendous wastage which is adding a burden to tax payers. Everywhere one looks there are problems that can be fixed but this government is so incompetent and corrupt and if they are given another term our children will not know the beauty of our country which is being taken over by Arabs and other foreigners, let alone being able to afford for a living.